House of Representatives

ICE Director Fudges Numbers on Released Criminal Aliens

Appearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Sarah Saldana provided…

Action Alert: House Passes Bill Defunding Executive Amnesty

House Passes Bill Defunding Executive Amnesty Battle to Defund Moves to the Senate! FAIR is calling on our members, activists,…

Boehner’s Tight Rope Walk Above an Immigration Mine Field

House Speaker John Boehner’s reelection campaign has received  $15 million since early 2013, reported Open Secrets. A considerable portion of…

FAIR Alert: Does Your Congressman Support Illegal Aliens Joining our Military?

Call Your House Representative Now! Pro-amnesty House Republicans are quietly devising a plan to include amnesty in a bill meant…

House GOP Retreat on American People

On Thursday, the House Republican leadership waved the white flag and are now attempting to surrender America’s sovereignty to the…