House of Representatives

Oh, the Irony

Paul Ryan told the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in San Antonio, Texas that Republicans "have a hard time trusting this…

Are President Obama’s Actions Illegal?

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee examined President Obama’s abuse of executive power. The full committee met to discuss the…

Reid: “We have a bunch of insane people in the House of Representatives”

For months, true immigration reformers have been warning Republicans in the House of Representatives about the perils of going to…

Report: House GOP Still Working on Amnesty in Secret

Report: House GOP Still Working on Amnesty in Secret "While the spotlight on Congress is on the partisan brawl over…

Rep. Goodlatte Says House Working Behind the Scenes on Immigration

Rep. Goodlatte Says House Working Behind the Scenes on Immigration, "Earned Path to Citizenship" "Rep. Bob Goodlatte said the immigration…