House Democrats Unveil Blueprint for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”: Small(ish) Amnesties First, Comprehensive Amnesty Second, Enforcement Never

Pay no attention to the hundreds of thousands of people entering our country illegally every month, scamming our humanitarian asylum laws and using children as get out of jail free cards. The real priority, the Democratic-controlled House of Representative is telling us, is amnesty for illegal aliens. House Democrats are preparing to roll out immigration legislation and, based upon what the party leaders are saying in advance, you will need a microscope to find any language in their bill that talks about improving immigration enforcement.

Step One in the Democrats’ plan is amnesty. “We need to move forward first on the DACA and the TPS,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told members of his caucus at a recent party retreat.

Step Two in the Democrats’ plan is a bigger amnesty. “And then we need to move very quickly onto comprehensive immigration reform,” Hoyer added. For those who do not have an unabridged “Newspeak” dictionary on their bookshelves, comprehensive immigration reform means comprehensive amnesty.

Step Three? If there is a Step Three, there is no reason to believe that it will have anything do with securing the border, ending asylum abuse, preventing adults from using kids as human shields, requiring the use of E-Verify, or anything else that would send a clear message to people not to violate our immigration laws. About the closest the Democratic House leadership is prepared to come to any of those issues is a statement by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) indicating her willing to have a chat with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “because we have a symptom at the border.”

A symptom of what, the speaker did not exactly make clear. But voters already have a pretty good sense of what that “symptom at the border” might be. According to a new Gallup poll, “poor leadership” of government and immigration are the two most pressing issues facing the country. And, one is a direct symptom of the other. Our multi-faceted immigration crisis – 21 percent of voters consider it to be the country’s most pressing problem – is a direct outcome of our dysfunctional government that 23 percent of voters consider to be the biggest issue that needs to be addressed.

Effective government leadership would get to work on solving a problem that one out of five voters say is their top priority. Instead, the forthcoming Democratic bill(s) will focus on amnesty, which is the priority of a very narrow, but noisy, segment of their political base. According the Gallup poll, immigration is the top priority for only 5 percent of Democrats – presumably those who eat, sleep, and breath amnesty for illegal aliens.

By contrast, immigration is the top issue for 41 percent of Republican voters (are you paying attention, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell?) and 18 percent of Independents. Presumably just about all of those Republicans and the vast majority of the Independents who rank immigration at the top of their to-do lists, prioritize border enforcement, ending asylum abuse, mandatory E-Verify, and similar measures designed to protect the interests of U.S. citizens.

The Democrats seem to be doubling down on immigration policies that only a small sliver of their base really cares about (perhaps a “symptom” of poor government leadership?). Election Day is only 18 months off. It’s your move, Mr. President and Mr. Majority Leader.

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.


  1. avatar

    Demorats Rant New Green Deal

    But ignore the carbon footprint and ecological destruction of America with more and more immigration overpopulation [pushing birthrates above 2.2], since America’s legal citizen birthrate is like 1.7 gradual depopulation easing Climate Change for REAL without immigration.

    Put overpopulation back in public school world history texts, they took it a couple decades ago…

  2. avatar

    There are frequent comments made by leftist advocates who say that “we could have solved this issue in 2013 with the bipartisan comprehensive immigration plan offered”. But it was nothing but amnesty immediately and border security that consisted of we have to do studies for a couple years and maybe sorta we might do something then or we might have to study it further. Meanwhile it also would have increased legal immigration, which is the proposed “other answer” to the problem of illegal crossings. Just allow those who would come illegally to come here legally and all is right.

    Except there are hundreds of millions who want to come here one way or the other and they will try to do it if we don’t discourage them. Naturally the “bipartisan” part in 2013 was the usual suspects like McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio. All guys who talked tough on enforcement when running for office but turned into mini-Chuck Schumers the minute they were voted back in. Giving amnesty is like stopping bank robbery by leaving piles of cash at the door.

    Just like Trump says he’s going to cut aid to the Central American countries and the claim is that only by sending money there will it keep them home. But we’ve done that and it has stopped no one. No doubt most all of the money goes to the corrupt politicians there. And enough “chatting” by people like Pelosi. Just a couple months ago she was denying it was even a problem. If she has a proposal, let’s hear it.

  3. avatar

    The Democrats seem to be doubling down on immigration policies that only a small sliver of their base really cares about (perhaps a “symptom” of poor government leadership?). Election Day is only 18 months off. It’s your move, Mr. President and Mr. Majority Leader.

  4. avatar

    By contrast, immigration is the top issue for 41 percent of Republican voters (are you paying attention, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell?) and 18 percent of Independents. Presumably just about all of those Republicans and the vast majority of the Independents who rank immigration at the top of their to-do lists, prioritize border enforcement, ending asylum abuse, mandatory E-Verify, and similar measures designed to protect the interests of U.S. citizens.

  5. avatar

    Lance A. Charles Sr

    6m6 minutes ago
    Here it is America! The Push by Democrats to make all the Illegal Aliens in America, Legal, so they can Vote for Democrats! They think we are not paying Attention! CONGRESS
    House Democrats Unveil Blueprint for “Comprehensive Immigration

  6. avatar

    Step Three? If there is a Step Three, there is no reason to believe that it will have anything do with securing the border, ending asylum abuse, preventing adults from using kids as human shields, requiring the use of E-Verify, or anything else that would send a clear message to people not to violate our immigration laws. About the closest the Democratic House leadership is prepared to come to any of those issues is a statement by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) indicating her willing to have a chat with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “because we have a symptom at the border.”