A group of open borders activists in Congress, led by Illinois Congressman Chuy Garcia, have rallied around a radical new bill called “The New Way Forward Act.” The legislation would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to essentially make the United States of America a sanctuary country for criminal illegal aliens. Although The New Way Forward Act in its current form is highly unlikely to become law, it provides a revealing insight into the wish list of the increasingly radicalized open borders enthusiasts.
A five-page summary of the legislation released in November indicates a commitment to “dismantling the immigration enforcement legal system.” This bill would create an open borders society by ending mandatory detention and deportation for criminal aliens and decriminalizing illegal border crossings, along with other radical proposals.
The New Way Forward Act presumes that everyone in the world is entitled to come to the United States, and that they need not follow any legal process to do so. According to a 2017 Gallup survey, 147 million adults currently living in other countries would like to migrate to the U.S. The New Way Forward Act would effectively give every one of those people the green light to do just that. The 14.3 million illegal aliens already residing in the U.S. cost Americans more than $131 billion annually and place immense pressure on the availability of jobs – even in states with relatively small immigrant populations. The U.S. simply does not have the resources to absorb everyone who wishes to migrate here.
In addition to the crushing fiscal costs, the New Way Forward Act would gravely threaten the safety of citizens by creating a pathway for previously deported criminal aliens to re-enter the United States. As Fox News’s Tucker Carlson has pointed out, “The bill would entirely remake our immigration system, with the explicit purpose of ensuring that criminals are able to move here, and settle here permanently, with impunity.” Those advocating for a “New Way Forward” obsess over the “tragic yet avoidable consequences of deportation” while ignoring the ramifications of not deporting dangerous criminal illegal aliens and securing the border.
In the interest of transparency, Rep. Garcia should consider changing the name of his legislation to the “No Borders, No Wall, Sanctuary for All” Act. After all, his bill represents the dream scenario for those who want to completely erase the borders of the United States and a nightmare for those who want to live in a sovereign nation of laws. In such a doomsday scenario, America would face an unmanageable influx of people, unimaginable costs, and an entirely preventable crime wave. That may be a “New Way Forward,” but not necessarily in a direction most of us want to head.