Illegal Alien Harassment Hits the Unfriendly Skies

An illegal alien harassed Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) again yesterday – this time while on a flight back to Washington.

The illegal alien who recorded her public confrontation with Sinema at 38,000 feet was apparently the same one who stalked the Arizona Democrat in a bathroom over the weekend.

She is an activist for Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), a radical open-borders group funded by George Soros and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s mass-immigration group,

In the video, the illegal alien walks all the way up the aisle, introducing herself to a seated Sinema, with “I don’t know if you remember me” and says in the course of her interrogation that she is an illegal alien whose father had died the previous year, biographical facts that line up with the bathroom footage. She then urges Sinema to support the largest amnesty in American history through budget reconciliation.

Chalk up Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations as yet another set of rules in American society that do not apply to illegal aliens.

As I noted yesterday, we now live in a country where illegal aliens harass lawmakers and demand lavish benefits, all while knowing they will never be deported.

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