Two-Thirds of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Immigration and Border Policies, Finds New Quinnipiac Poll

A new Quinnipiac Poll finds that only 38 percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s performance in office, while 53 percent disapprove of the way he is handling the job. There is not a single issue on which a majority of the public approves of the president’s performance, but none garner as much disapproval as his handling of immigration policy and the border.

On the question of the Biden administration’s handling of “immigration issues” a mere 25 percent give him a passing grade, while 67 percent say they disapprove. Even more troubling for the president is that he barely ekes out majority support among self-identified Democrats. Just 51 percent support his overall handling of immigration issues. Furthermore, despite the shrill rhetoric of lavishly funded organizations that purport to represent the interests of Hispanic-Americans, a mere 23 percent of Hispanic voters who were polled approve of President Biden’s immigration policies.

The only issue on which the president has less public support than his handling of “immigration issues,” is on the question of his handling of “the situation at the Mexican border.” On that matter his overall support drops to just 23 percent of the public, with just 50 percent of Democratic voters and 24 percent Hispanics giving him a thumbs-up.

It is clear that the ideologues that President Biden has appointed to manage his immigration and border policies don’t care what the American public thinks. Their goal is to maximize the number of people who get into the country – by whatever means necessary – and eviscerate as much of our enforcement capability as possible, regardless of the cost and damage to the American public and the political consequences.

President Biden, who is approaching his 79th birthday, and may or may not seek reelection in 2024, checked the final box on his 50-year political career last November. The question, however, is at what point do Democratic lawmakers start thinking about their own political futures and jump ship on a president whom 55 percent of the public believes is not “competent in running the government”? With absolutely rock bottom public support for his immigration policies, and the mother of all migrant caravans heading our way, how much longer can Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer hold nervous Democrats in line with policies that the country overwhelmingly opposes?

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.