Last week FAIR’s own Ira Mehlman participated in an online debate by Homeland Security News Wire. Ira’s counterpart was Mary Giovagnoli, Director of the Immigration Policy…
Browsing: Alabama
Debating Immigration…from Alabama to Obama Strategy
Soviet-Style Disinformation in Alabama
The Soviet Union has been relegated to the ash heap of history, but at least part of its legacy lives on in the illegal alien advocacy…
Alabama Law – Fact vs. Fiction
Alabama’s immigration enforcement law has come under intense attacks by amnesty and civil rights groups that fail to understand the true intent of the legislation. It…
The Ear – Immigration NewsViews
Bad gets worse in California. For many years illegal aliens in that state have qualified for in-state tuition. Three months ago, Governor Jerry Brown signed the…
The Politics of the Immigration Shame Game
Calling the Alabama law the “cruelest” immigration law in the country, organizations like the SPLC and ACLU, and even some media outlets, imply that Alabama has…