As 2018 comes to a close, FAIR would like to say thank you to all of you who stood by us in the fight for immigration reform.
There were many hard-fought and hard-won battles this year.
FAIR brought the National Sheriffs Association to Washington in September to meet with President Trump and advocate for increased border security and the enforcement of our immigration laws. These Sheriffs represent law enforcement in nearly every state and have dedicated themselves to supporting FAIR’s advocacy efforts.
This visit coincided with FAIR’s 12th annual Hold Their Feet to the Fire radio row event – the largest in FAIR’s history. More than 60 talk-radio hosts from across the country came to Capitol Hill to interview FAIR spokespeople, Congressmen, sheriffs, and activists and broadcast the message of immigration reform nationwide.
Thanks to these groups and others, FAIR’s message is reaching more people than ever before.
Indispensable to our cause is the tireless work of those families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime. To Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC), Angel Moms, Angel Families, and the many others who have lost family members due to our broken immigration system, FAIR extends its deepest thanks for your ongoing efforts in the fight to secure our borders. We are proud to stand beside you.
FAIR also worked alongside Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR) in a massive signature gathering campaign which ensured that a referendum on Sanctuary City policy was placed on the November ballot. Although the referendum did not ultimately receive enough votes, the support from local activists was tremendous. Meaningful efforts such as these bring us one step closer to correcting the problems that plague our immigration policies.
The battle has been uphill, but our hard work has not gone unrewarded.
FAIR’s affiliate, the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), has been actively filing friend of the court briefs in key immigration cases. Partly due to FAIR’s and IRLI’s efforts to focus public attention on immigration issues in our courts, things are beginning to change. Several rulings issued by former-Attorney General Jeff Sessions will help stop the rampant judicial activism that often leads to misguided immigration decisions in our immigration courts.
President Trump has been a staunch proponent of immigration policies that put American interests first. As long as he remains at the helm, fighting for the wall, advocating for safety and security, and putting the American people first – we have much to be thankful for.
Thanks to You.
None of this would be possible without the constant support of you, the American people. You have gone out of your way to ask the hard questions, to educate yourselves about the problems we are facing as a nation, and to stand up for your country and your communities. You have signed petitions, called your representatives and made your voices heard.
FAIR is very proud of the work that was accomplished this year, and we are honored by the loyalty and commitment you have shown to this important cause.
So, on this #GivingTuesday, FAIR gives thanks for you. We look forward to working alongside you again in 2019.
Military and federal workers can give through the Combined Federal Campaign with a few dollars per paycheck.
We Have the Focus On Illegal Alien Invasions in America
And the Open border Party is cringing with their mouths zipped shut, lest it damage their election chances.