Gun Control Fight May Edge Immigration Debate for House
“President Barack Obama promised immigration reform leaders that their cause would top his second-term agenda, making January their month.
But immigration advocates are beginning to worry that their fight could slip behind a cause that wasn’t even an issue during the election: gun control,” Politico reports.
“This month the White House was supposed to begin its push in earnest for immigration reform. Instead, after a gunman killed 20 school children in Newtown, Conn., Obama tapped Vice President Joe Biden to lead a group that will release a reform proposal in mid-January — just when immigration activists had hoped all eyes would be on their issue.”
License Debate Is About Public Safety, Immigration Rules
“Alejandra Gomez, a 21-year-old mother of two, is one of tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants living in New Mexico. An unknown number have been issued driver’s licenses under a 2003 law that let people without Social Security numbers, including immigrants who aren’t in the United States legally, get licenses. Like Gomez, many use those licenses to accomplish everyday tasks such as going to work, taking children to school and buying groceries,” KSUN TV reports.
“But there is a darker side to the driver’s license law, critics say: fraud and, worse, New Mexico’s welcome sign to criminal rings that exploit the law. One doesn’t have to look far to find evidence of abuse.”
Mixed Views in GOP on Immigration Changes
“With immigration expected to be a top issue in the new Congress, lawmakers in both parties continue to call for a bipartisan approach — while also preparing for battle. The messaging from many House Democrats and Republicans about the chances of passing an immigration overhaul remains optimistic. And some of them, such as Republican Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida and Democrat Zoe Lofgren of California, have begun to meet privately,” NPR reports.
“The Republican leadership has installed a pair of immigration hawks to chair the House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee that would be charged with drafting any immigration bills. In an apparent countermove, a veteran Democrat has given up his seniority on the coveted Financial Services Committee to join the judiciary panel and help push through possible reforms.”
Montana The Latest Innovator in Helping Immigration Enforcement
“Pennsylvania and Montana have pushed through two new laws to combat the threat of illegal immigration. While Pennsylvania wants employees to use the federal E-Verify system to ensure that employees are legal U.S. residents, Montana is looking to do something a little different: Deny illegal immigrants state services,” says.
The United States 4.2
ALL the countries above America have 100% GUN CONTROL!
Would any of you statistic experts care to explain how banning gun ownership is going to bring back 20 children killed by a criminal act by leaving all the law abiding gun owner children defenseless ? it is a complete contradiction and hypocritical fraud completeley tied to socialist agendas from a socialist administration who profiles law abiding citizens as terrorists clearly and transparently in government documentaions and executive orders ,our government has been usurped and treason is being committed against it………
And we are supposed to give up our guns without having committed any crimes and let our children be in harms way of criminals and genocidal governments and invasions and further tyranny?
The mad dog socialists are insane in the audacity of their insanity!
give us liberty and give us our rule of law back you have already suppressed and oppressed our freedoms!
Gun control works just ask all the mass murderers of history!
I’m Behind Your Attack on This Issue Anyway
Anything to distract the House away from the FAR MORE MAJOR issue. Implementing an amnesty/overpopulation bill.
Keep up the good fight 🙂
Speaking of Gun Control Trumping Immigration
I was reading this week’s Time magazine and its official, not only is America the pigs of the world in gun ownership (88.8/100 people), our gun homicide rate per 100,000 people is 3.2% is by far the highest in the world…..the rest of the world is mostly 0%.with 0-20 guns per 100 people.
We could teach them how to do a 1.7 depopulating birthrate and they could teach us how to manage guns more safely.
I’m for banning the machine guns in America.
Wrong!! There are many countries with more gun homicides than the US, and all of them have strict gun control, if not out right bans.
What countries?
Murders per 100,000 citizens
Honduras 91.6 El Salvador 69.2 Cote d’lvoire 56.9 Jamaica 52.2
Venezuela 45.1 Belize 41.4 US Virgin Islands 39.2 Gutatemala 38.5
Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2 Zambia 38.0 Uganda 36.3 Malawi 36.0
Lesotho 35.2 Trinidad and Tobago 35.2 Colombia 33.4 South Africa 31.8
Congo 30.8 Central African Republic 29.3 Bahamas 27.4 Puerto Rico 26.2
Saint Lucia 25.2 Dominican Republic 25.0 Tanzania 24.5 Sudan 24.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9 Ethiopia 22.5 Guinea 22.5 Dominica 22.1
Burundi 21.7 Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
Panama 21.6 Brazil 21.0 Equatorial Guinea 20.7 Guinea-Bissau 20.2
Kenya 20.1 Kyrgyzstan 20.1 Cameroon 19.7 Namibia 17.2
Rwanda 17.1 Mexico 16.9 Chad 15.8 Ghana 15.7
Ec 15.2 North Korea 15.2 Benin 15.1 Sierra Leone 14.9
Mauritania 14.7 Botswana 14.5 Zimbabwe 14.3 Gabon 13.8
Nicaragua 13.6 French Guiana 13.3 Papua New Guinea 13.0
Swaziland 12.9 Bermuda 12.3 Comoros 12.2 Nigeria 12.2
Cape Verde 11.6 Grenada 11.5 Paraguay 11.5 Barbados 11.3
Togo 10.9 Gambia 10.8 Peru 10.8 Myanmar 10.2
Russia 10.2 Liberia 10.1 Costa Rica 10.0 Nauru 9.8
Bolivia 8.9 Mozambique 8.8 Kazakhstan 8.8 Senegal 8.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7 Mongolia 8.7 British Virgin Islands 8.6
Cayman Islands 8.4 Seychelles 8.3 Madagascar 8.1
Indonesia 8.1 Mali 8.0 Pakistan 7.8 Moldova 7.5
Kiribati 7.3 Guadeloupe 7.0 Haiti 6.9 Timor-Leste 6.9
Anguilla 6.8 Antigua and Barbuda 6.8 Lithuania 6.6 Uruguay 5.9
Philippines 5.4 Ukraine 5.2 Estonia 5.2 Cuba 5.0 Belarus 4.9
Thailand 4.8 Suriname 4.6 Laos 4.6 Georgia 4.3 Martinique 4.2
Ask the sixty thousand dead mexicans killed by the cartels in the last five years and the hundred of thousands chased from there homes by the same people were calling undocumented workers how they like gun control bet they love it to death take the guns from the criminals .