Bush Says U.S. Needs More Immigration
“Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, author of a new book on immigration, tells Newsmax that America’s ‘incredibly complex’ immigration laws should be reformed ‘from stem to stern’ with an eye toward attracting and retaining more skilled workers from other nations. Immigration is also one of the topics discussed in the cover story Bush wrote for the April edition of Newsmax magazine, ‘Growth Is the Answer,'” says Newsmax.com.
“If you have that then people will want to come legally and they can make a contribution, a full contribution to our economy. We’re basically advocating a shift towards an economy-driven immigration strategy where we focus on economic growth being the principle reason why we need to reform our immigration system stem to stern,” Bush said.
Senate Group Claims Deal Made
“With business and labor now in agreement, a bipartisan group of senators has resolved all major issues in a pending deal to overhaul the immigration system and aims to unveil it after Congress reconvenes in the second week of April, key lawmakers said on Sunday,” Reuters reported.
“The lawmakers said that while there was no final deal yet, they hope and even expect there to be one soon after the measure is put into legislative language so all eight senators in the group can review it.”
Flaws in Guest Worker Proposal
“The Friday-night deal between business and labor groups over how the U.S. will manage the future flow of foreign workers into the country is being hailed as a breakthrough. It clears the biggest hurdle blocking an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws and paves the way for a bill to be introduced in the Senate next week. If it ultimately becomes law, it could transform the way that millions of businesses hire low-wage workers. But for the reforms to work, there’ll have to be a radical shift in the way both foreign workers and employers approach the process,” BusinessWeek says.
Rubio Says Immigration Plan Needs Work
“As a bipartisan Senate group builds momentum toward a comprehensive immigration reform bill in April, resistance is coming from an unexpected source: Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, a key member of the coalition,” the Washington Post says.
“Rubio (Fla.), a rising GOP star, has been involved in extensive private negotiations with his fellow senators in the ‘Gang of Eight,’ but he has taken a cautious stance in public — highlighting his complicated position as a conservative tea party champion and potential 2016 presidential candidate who appeals to Latino voters.”
Judge Strikes Part of Indiana Immigration Law
“A federal judge has ruled sections of a 2011 Indiana immigration law unconstitutional, making permanent an injunction against a law inspired by Arizona’s crackdown on illegal immigrants. The state will forego an appeal on Thursday’s ruling, Attorney General Greg Zoeller said on Friday,” Reuters reported.
“The Indiana bill, signed into law by the previous governor, Mitch Daniels, permitted warrantless arrests of non-citizens and prohibited the use of consular IDs as forms of identification.”
When push comes to shove on this amnesty legislation we need to start flooding the switchboards of every politician in the country and just shut them down completely.
Amen..I am calling my reps as soon as they unveil this treasonous garbage!!
12 million citizens are on unemployment compensation and not earning a wage!
11 to 30 million aliens are in the US illegally, illegally taking citizen jobs, illegally paying no taxes ETC!
Fox says 12 million on unemployment, 8 million working part time and 3.5 million without hope is 23.5 million citizens who need a job and the dignity it brings. The US poverty level is $23,000. It’s reasonable to say all qualify for food stamps, shelter, child support, and all of the many scattered welfare subsidies required to bring them up to a “poverty level”! Government says the average wage is $43,500/yr. If we put 12 million unemployed to work @ $43,500, taxable INCOME INCREASES $522 BILLION simultaneously with a GOVERNMENT SPENDING REDUCTIONS OF $240 BILLION (12 million off welfare @ $20,000 – (redo it with $23,000 if you want). THAT NET US ECONOMIC BENEFIT IS $762 BILLION!
Nobody knows how many illegal aliens are working in the US! Reliable sources claim 11 or 12, to 30 million illegal aliens are in this country working. A US government that tracks every dime that goes through a citizen’s bank accounts, registers and taxes your car, home, dogs, and sodas you drink, doesn’t know how many aliens are taking citizen jobs, receiving food cards, and every other citizen tax paid welfare benefit plus education and health care by simply not paying! Government allows the corporate health provider to add that cost to citizen billings! School districts increase taxes! Let’s be real, because illegal presence is a criminal offense, the job they occupy is a criminal offense, and the employer who harbors and protects them is criminally involved! A significant portion of this activity is conducted in cash, to avoid payroll taxes, and every insurance and employment regulation imaginable – offenses that brings immediate arrest, jail, and poverty to citizens and legitimate employers! One seems to never ask or hold our executive-legislative officers to the law. How dare Mr. Holder thumb his nose at 23.5 million citizens who are in unnecessary economic crisis?
Let’s ignore the health care crisis, overflowing prison costs, failing to educate our own children in the midst of many children who can’t speak English, etc., and just say the unending food stamps & welfare they get is a low ball $20,000/yr., applied to at least 12 million, and we have another $240 billion reduction in government spending, when citizens replace them! That plus the $762 billion US CITIZEN WAGES brings the COST OF AMNISTY TO OVER $1 TRILLION/yr. You can’t reconcile this travesty with amnesty!
Imagine, the abject poverty, lawlessness, hopelessness, and oppression in governments plantations of Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, LA, and everywhere else these progressive vermin have voters on leash & meal routine. Imagine $6 trillion debt spending with mind boggling global bank bail outs, money for terrorists, etc. and these oppressed CITIZENS see nothing but homes bulldozed, bullets flying everywhere, no law, and no hope yesteryear, today and as long as progressives can hold their nose in the mud! If the RINOS had a brain they’d help bring them a seed, a paint brush, and the proverbial fishing pole of self sustinence… but they too are progressives! It’s time to rebuild America, but we have to establish Constitution and law first!
12 million citizens are on unemployment compensation and not earning a wage!
11 to 30 million aliens are in the US illegally, illegally taking citizen jobs, illegally paying no taxes ETC!
Fox says 12 million on unemployment, 8 million working part time and 3.5 million without hope is 23.5 million citizens who need a job and the dignity it brings. The US poverty level is $23,000. It’s reasonable to say all qualify for food stamps, shelter, child support, and all of the many scattered welfare subsidies required to bring them up to a “poverty level”! Government says the average wage is $43,500/yr. If we put 12 million unemployed to work @ $43,500, taxable INCOME INCREASES $522 BILLION simultaneously with a GOVERNMENT SPENDING REDUCTIONS OF $240 BILLION (12 million off welfare @ $20,000 – (redo it with $23,000 if you want). THAT NET US ECONOMIC BENEFIT IS $762 BILLION!
Nobody knows how many illegal aliens are working in the US! Reliable sources claim 11 or 12, to 30 million illegal aliens are in this country working. A US government that tracks every dime that goes through a citizen’s bank accounts, registers and taxes your car, home, dogs, and sodas you drink, doesn’t know how many aliens are taking citizen jobs, receiving food cards, and every other citizen tax paid welfare benefit plus education and health care by simply not paying! Government allows the corporate health provider to add that cost to citizen billings! School districts increase taxes! Let’s be real, because illegal presence is a criminal offense, the job they occupy is a criminal offense, and the employer who harbors and protects them is criminally involved! A significant portion of this activity is conducted in cash, to avoid payroll taxes, and every insurance and employment regulation imaginable – offenses that brings immediate arrest, jail, and poverty to citizens and legitimate employers! One seems to never ask or hold our executive-legislative officers to the law. How dare Mr. Holder thumb his nose at 23.5 million citizens who are in unnecessary economic crisis?
Let’s ignore the health care crisis, overflowing prison costs, failing to educate our own children in the midst of many children who can’t speak English, etc., and just say the unending food stamps & welfare they get is a low ball $20,000/yr., applied to at least 12 million, and we have another $240 billion reduction in government spending, when citizens replace them! That plus the $762 billion US CITIZEN WAGES brings the COST OF AMNISTY TO OVER $1 TRILLION/yr. You can’t reconcile this travesty with amnesty!
Imagine, the abject poverty, lawlessness, hopelessness, and oppression in governments plantations of Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, LA, and everywhere else these progressive vermin have voters on leash & meal routine. Imagine $6 trillion debt spending with mind boggling global bank bail outs, money for terrorists, etc. and these oppressed CITIZENS see nothing but homes bulldozed, bullets flying everywhere, no law, and no hope yesteryear, today and as long as progressives can hold their nose in the mud! If the RINOS had a brain they’d help bring them a seed, a paint brush, and the proverbial fishing pole of self sustinence… but they too are progressives! It’s time to rebuild America, but we have to establish Constitution and law first!
Yes it is sick and sad that the Democrats want to make illegals legal for votes, and the Republicans want them legalized them to drive wages down on the legal American Citizen in order to please their corporate masters. We need to do something about who can contribute to campaigns. Let’s stop letting foreign governments rule our country via contributions from special interests and multinational corporations!
We Don’t Need an Amnesty Bill
We need to trash our open border politicians, end foreign/corporate campaign funding and start anew.
Do these pro-illegals realize how many million of unemployed Americans we have? This reminds me of Sen. Rand Paul’s bewildering remark about “if you’re in this country and want a job, we’ll help you find one.” Why not say, “If you’re an unemployed American, we’ll help you find a job?” They’ve plainly shown that Americans are NOT their choice. Instead, they perfer lawbreakers. Has everyone gone insane? The Bushes have been pro-illegal all along. I well remember 43 saying, “Hell, if they can cross the Davis Mountains, we want ’em!” That’s when he lost my vote.
Not a surprise that Jeb Bush is pushing the guest worker “solution”. We don’t have a shortage of workers, we have a shortage of jobs. And business wants to bring in workers on visas so they can pay even less and shut out Americans with what are essentially indentured workers.
Where did they come up with this concept of a “median wage” that will be paid the guest workers brought in under “reform”? How about the wage that would be paid to Americans if there were NO guest workers? That would certainly be higher. It’s just a giveaway to business. A selling out of the working class that has been going on for thirty years. We outsource jobs, technology is replacing many others, and we somehow need “guest workers” when we have 30 million unemployed or working less hours than they need?