GIGO – Garbage in garbage out: Center for American Progress issues new report

GIGO – Garbage in garbage out: Center for American Progress issues new report

A new CAP report offers a panacea for the economic doldrums of the 24 states with the largest illegal alien populations. Too good to be true? You bet.

The analysis by Robert Lynch and Patrick Oakford takes their earlier national study that was built on erroneous assumptions about the increased earnings potential of illegal aliens receiving amnesty and parses those supposed increased economic output and tax payments among the high illegal alien states.

The authors state that, “Legal status and citizenship provide access to a broader range of higher-paying jobs.” They appear to be unaware of the survey data conducted among the beneficiaries of the 1986 amnesty that found that five years after gaining legal status that there had been no significant gain in income relative to other workers and that many had actually lost ground economically. But even if it were true, it would simply means that amnesty would create greater competition for some jobs now held by legal workers. A greater number of job applicants would enable employers to hold down wages.

About Author


Jack, who joined FAIR’s National Board of Advisors in 2017, is a retired U.S. diplomat with consular experience. He has testified before the U.S. Congress, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and has authored studies of immigration issues. His national and international print, TV, and talk radio experience is extensive (including in Spanish).


  1. avatar

    I said It Before

    The only good thing that can happen if the open border pundits have their way is the overpopulation immigration steals their jobs first.

  2. avatar
    cynthia curran on

    like I said, you can talk all the theory you want. Look at California, home to most illegals, and it is broke. Only yearly tax increases and spending cuts keep it going. What I’m saying is Texas is number two with illegal immigrants and it has hurt it but the right is being as dishonest as the left by only using California and not also Texas for problems with illegal immigrants. Also, legal Asian immigration can hurt, i think the Brooking study that shows Irvine as the fastest growing suburb in poverty is exaggerated and the poverty among people probably increase only 1,000 not 10,000 like Bookings state, Irvine is not one of those cheaper suburbs its more expense to live than La or Santa Ana or Westminster which means that I think something is off in the study but Asian groups that come legal or Middle Easterners also have poverty issues.

  3. avatar
    cynthia curran on

    If immigration was the answer to economic woes, California would be the poster child. The largest number of immigrants overall, and the largest percentage of total state population, of all states. And it is a DISASTER. Budget crises every year that are only solved by tax increases or cuts in services. Businesses fleeing the state in RECORD numbers. Huge unfunded pension obligations. And all during this recession, their unemployment rate was 2% HIGHER than the national rate, and still is. 12% of total US population and a third of all national welfare cases.

    Reply Well, a lot of Republicans love to use California, here are some of the bad stats from Texas encouraging low skilled immirgation for 50 years i the South Texas Counties. Cameron County is tied in 2009 with Bronx County New York for food stamp usage. Texas doesn’t have workers comp, so companies that hired a lot of illegal immirgants to do construcation work at stuck with the bill. Texas construcation work has the highest rate of on the job injuries, many workers are here particulary in Houston illegality and many are indepedent contractors, many not paid half the time, so they get probably food stamp money thru their legal kids.. Many South Texas counties have some of the highest usage of food stamps since the counties are rural and mainly hispanic with lots of poor paying jobs.

  4. avatar
    John Winthrop on

    Same thing for The Heritage Foundation = Garbage in garbage out………………best to take everybody’s numbers and average them////////////

    • avatar

      Like I said, you can talk all the theory you want. Look at California, home to most illegals, and it is broke. Only yearly tax increases and spending cuts keep it going.

  5. avatar

    If immigration was the answer to economic woes, California would be the poster child. The largest number of immigrants overall, and the largest percentage of total state population, of all states. And it is a DISASTER. Budget crises every year that are only solved by tax increases or cuts in services. Businesses fleeing the state in RECORD numbers. Huge unfunded pension obligations. And all during this recession, their unemployment rate was 2% HIGHER than the national rate, and still is. 12% of total US population and a third of all national welfare cases.

    • avatar

      Leland, your first sentence is correct and much like an artcle I read recently written by Ann Coulter. I’m paraphrasing, but she said something to the effect that if hoards of uneducated, impoverished workers were good for a country, why isn’t Mexico a powerhouse? That goes for all the countries that urge their people to break into ours. These countries disregard our immigration laws, yet Washington calls most of them our “friends” and “trading partners.” That doesn’t speak well of the company our leaders keep, does it?

      • avatar
        John Winthrop on

        I you believe that as well as Ann Coulter who just made a hoard of herself…..then use your head….. Africans Americans are a fraction of what the illegals are…..they never had a chance for an education & were slaves and see what happened………….also thanks to them we became a power….no stretch your gray matter and correlate that to the current situation…………