FAIR President Dan Stein discussed the visa waiver program and security risks during a recent TV appearance. Watch the clip below.
Browsing: visas
Video: Dan Stein on Visa Overstays and the Visa Waiver Program

Overdue Report on Visa Overstaying Illegal Aliens Raises Questions
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at long last furnished Congress a report on visa overstayers on January 20. The report furnished only partial data, but…

Clueless DHS Official Caught on Video
A December 2015 video released by Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) reveals just how the little the Obama administration knows about who is coming into our nation.…
Sen. Sessions: Foreign Born Population has More than Quadrupled since 1970 and Will Continue to Surge Over the Next 40 Years
New data released by the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, reveals that the foreign-born population…
Feds Can’t Locate Thousands in the U.S. with Terror Connections
At House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing last week, Michele Thoren Bond, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, admitted that the…