Even MSNBC is Warning Obama Not Declare Amnesty

Screen shot 2014-07-30 at 5.44.51 PMLet’s be clear: MSNBC host Ed Schultz supports granting amnesty to illegal aliens. But even he is appalled at the idea that the president might act unilaterally to exempt perhaps as many as 5-6 million illegal aliens from having immigration law enforced against them, and grant them work authorization.

A couple of things to look for in Schultz’s on-air editorial rant: Most important, he recognizes the need for the president to act within the limits of our Constitution.

Second, he tacitly acknowledges that amnesty – especially an unconstitutional one imposed by the president – amounts to a political albatross around the necks of Democrats. His message to the Democrats is, ‘If you want to do amnesty, make sure you’ve got enough Republicans on-board to share the wrath of the voters. And, if you can’t get the Republicans to go along, call them obstructionists and use it as red meat to energize your base.’

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.


  1. avatar

    I have friends who are Republicans? Each to his/her own. The law is the law and every decent, law-biding citizen agrees
    The two party system is falling by the wayside. No wonder!

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      U meant crimi am Americans want pot legal……remember… It is illegal go smoke pot….

      • avatar
        arnlof sweigeir ft on

        U meant criminal Americans want to legalize pot…….remember smoking pot is illegal…!!

        • avatar
          John WInthrop on

          SO Kay you are a pot-smoker then?…..it appears so……then therefore are per the Law, you are a criminal……interesting to know you support pot legalization………………….

          • avatar

            Pot Was Legalized By the Voters

            Amnesty is Rejected by the voters. No comparison. Its funny you use the lame excuse “I’m better than you, I don’t do what voters want”….you live in an unreal world. Get out of America, you’re destroying it.

          • avatar
            arnlof sweigeir ft on

            You r the one that is destroying America by legalizing pot…….u should be thrown out of the US for supporting illegal drugs …to and join the cartels: your pals.

          • avatar
            John Winthrop on

            softwarengineer you support legalizing pot and said it has been legalized?….are you high as a kite?……I think so….the legalization of pot is for medicinal purposes ….it is not for the way you use…..to do illegally drugs……so interesting you support pot legalization….you must be a pot-head and therefore a criminal……

          • avatar
            John Winthrop on

            what an irony softwarengineer……..you call the illegals criminals which is not accurate since not all of them are…and you yourself support smoking pot…………..do therefore you must be no better as per your own standards….

  2. avatar

    Could illegals bring Ebola into this country ? You didn’t think they could bomb the twin towers either! Wake up America you have to make the difference. Call those idiots in Washington !!!

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      After all these years with illegals and no Ebola case…u must be an idiot….

  3. avatar

    There is no difference between sending American jobs to Mexico or just letting the Mexicans come here to take the American job. When will those morons in Washington realize that?

    • avatar

      Every politician in Washington DC already knows the impact of massive immigration, both legal and particularly illegal, has on American workers and their families. President Obama and virtually all Democrats simply don’t care. The same can be said about the Republican Party leadership. Democrats have demonstrated over the past 20 years that American workers simply are not a priority for them when policy is determined. From the perspective of Democratic party’s elected and appointed officials, illegal aliens and massive legal immigration produces huge $$$$ from business interests for the party today without any significant penalty at the ballot box. Then there is prospects for huge numbers of new voters down the line and the hope of Democratic party hegemony for many decades.

      The Republican Party leadership finds themselves in a difficult position in that Democrats are cutting into the $$$$ they have been getting from business interests, and those interests want the continue their huge profits from the cheap labor provided by mass immigration, legal and illegal. The Republican caucus had a wake up call as a result of former Majority Leader Cantor’s primary defeat, and they know that their base will punish them at the ballot box if they are really concerned about immigrants. We will see how this plays out before and after the November 4 midterm elections.

      I’m a former Democrat, currently Independent, and as of now I don’t know who I’ll vote for in November as Florida’s primary election is still to be held; I do know that there is no way in hell I’ll vote for Rep. Patrick Murphy. Murphy is dishonest on the immigration/amnesty issue; says one thing and vote differently. My vote is up for grabs. All the Republican candidate has to do take NumbersUSA.org Candidate Survey so I know where he stands on the key immigration issues facing American today and into the future. Support the most important of the 12 proposals on the Survey and he’ll get my vote and my wife’s vote.

  4. avatar

    how many americans know the EBOLA VIRUS is here in the USA via the international airline carriers from AFRICA??? the feds sent a proposal to the DOVER, NH TOWN COUNCIL wanting them to house 3000 illegal aliens from the AFRICAN CONGO. can you imagine the chaos in this country that this disease will cause. OBAMA IS HELL BENT on destroying this nation and since congress does NOT HAVE THE GUTS THEN WE, THE PEOPLE MUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!. JOIN YOUR LOCAL TEA PARTY GROUPS and let us put an end to the obama administration and the LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES SOCIALISTS like pelosi, holder, jarrett, feinstein, schumer, harry reid, DICK durbin and obama WHO have already sent this country back 100 years.i wish citizens do not forget how the media giants, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC have done nothing but LIED AND COVERED UP THE TRUTH. PLEASE STOP WATCHING THEIR PROGRAMS AND BUYING THEIR ADVERTISERS PRODUCTS. it is time for the good citizens of this nation to rise up and be heard in UNISON, we will stand for NO MORE.

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      U must be doing some hea y drugs to acusse the president for the Ebola epidemics…… U need a brain transplant….

      • avatar

        Maybe you should go back to mexico, you’re clearly not American, just want to start trouble. You’re actually pretty sad, I’ll pray for you. What kind of name is arnlof?

        • avatar
          John Winthrop on

          Charlie actually what is sad is your ignorance and paranoia…it show your family line in this family unless you are a H-1B IS PRETTY SHORT………… the president dethroning this country?….I agree what kind of drugs r u taking….. ?

  5. avatar

    It’s taken more than a year to process half a million applications for DACA, and at that, they had to divert money and resources from processing LEGAL immigrants to fund it, since the $465 does NOT cover the cost of the waiver of deportation, just the work permit. By law, immigrants have to pay the full cost of their benefits, so just who is going to be paying to process 5-6 million illegal aliens in roughly 2 years?

    • avatar

      Remember the part about the “strict background checks” that would supposedly happen as part of a general amnesty? I wonder exactly who would pay for those, considering all the stolen identities some of these people have used. The Washington Navy Yard shooter had security clearances in spite of numerous red flags on his record. If we can’t get that correct then we certainly won’t for millions of illegals.

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      !Ali do some. Math…..400 times 600 M..240000M….it seems to me this is a steal…. What r u complaining about…. Really….

      • avatar
        arnlof sweigeir ft on

        On top of it ….this is a young crowd of people as smart and probably my smarter than u…..a strong force for the Economy….

  6. avatar
    Alfred Kneer on

    Obama is fundamentally transforming this country. Did the american voter ever think what that meant? Obviosly, not. Otherwise he would have never been voted in to office. Nikita Kruschef stated in a UN speech many years ago that: the United States can only be destroyed from the inside out, and that is what the guy in the White House is doing, by allowing all th scum of the world to enter this contry illegaly. And, of course they all are going to vote for the democrats and six times after they are dead. WAKE UP, AMERICA, before it is too late.

    • avatar

      They are laughing out loud at how stupid and gulliuble we are. All they want is a free ride…TURN THEM AROUND AT THE BORDER AND SEND THEM BACK…NOW!!!

  7. avatar

    These ILLEGALS that obama and the democrats want us to support for the rest of their, and all their family members, lives, do not want to be Americans. That is why they don’t come into the States legally. They want their own language, their own flags, their own customs, etc. In other words, they want their countries here in America. They just want us to pay for everything. Most of our ancestors came to the United States legally, wanting a better life. They came with an attitude of working hard, learning the language and raising their children in a better world. Not so with the ILLEGALS. They want housing, education, food, clothing, iphones, but do not want to work for nor pay for anything. That’s what tax paying Americans are for. Every one of these ILLEGALS should be given a time limit of not more than one month to leave or they will be arrested. If their families and/or countries want them back, let them send the funds to transport them. Otherwise, they should stay in prison for breaking the laws of the United States. This would be a lot cheaper than having the tax payers responsible for them for generations to come. Also, if they were in prison, there shouldn’t be a new baby (that they can’t afford) every single year.

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      Correction…they do support themselves and when u vet older…..they will support u with thief taxes…..do not be disgraceful!!

      • avatar

        No, the Boomer generation has covered their taxes. The government has certificates sitting in a vault that is about 9 trillion dollars of the S.S. Trust Fund that has been invested by the Boomers. It is since 1975 that the SS taxes cannot cover future generations. Why? Because Congress decided to give refundable credits to cover the S.S. taxes that the lower income brackets would have to pay. What happened? The Earned Income Credit went from 4.2 billion in 1975 to 64 billion dollars presently and IRS reporting about 1/4 of that amount maybe fraud.

        • avatar
          John Winthrop on

          Kay arnolf is correct…..you will still be supported by the illegals’ income…….I do not see anything wrong about this….

    • avatar

      I totally agree. My grandfather came over here from Italy when he was 19 years old. He learned the meaning of our Constitution of the United States, learned to speak fluent English and never, ever, got any government assistance. He worked hard and paid his taxes. HE GOT HIS CITIZENSHIP LEGALLY.

  8. avatar

    I completely agree we must not grant amnesty and expunge all the freeloading illegals pulling us down so quickly.

    This situation highlights something broken with our system of governance. In a parliamentary system, we would be able to vote out Obama! I don’t think the US system of governance really serves the people well. It is open to abuse.

    We need term limits for all senators and congress. We also need lobbyists kicked out of the system.

    Also some parts of the constitution are now hurting us but we cannot change or adapt them – e.g.birthright citizenship!

    I certainly think the parliamentary systems in operation in UK, Canada, Australia etc. seem to be less corrupt and working more in the interest of the people because the balance of power (people to people representatives) seems about right.

    It is open to abuse.

    Also what scares me most is that in a democracy, once we allow even more South American/Mexican illegals to come in and settle, bearing in mind their fast rates and cycles of procreation, we probably will lose control over our country forever. Now THAT is a strategic threat to our security if I ever saw one.

    • avatar

      Cost is another problem. It was just reported that one center In Texas that has flat screen TVs, ping pong tables and weight rooms, is going to cost the tax payers $74000 dollars A DAY to run when full!!!! $74000!!!! This is just one center in one state. there are many more in other states as well!

      • avatar

        If Obama’s goes through with his supposed administrative amnesty for several million, guess who’ll be paying for THAT.

    • avatar
      arnlof sweigeir ft on

      Ramesh maybe in your country that is the case but definitely not here w only 4%/or less of the population that r illegals…………India?

    • avatar

      I agree with you that we definitely need to change the political system. First, we must stop the gerrymandering.
      Second, I agree 100% with stopping the lobbyists that represent Corporations, Churches and any group that is anti-American, such as La Raza.
      Third, the birthright citizenship would easily be solved by interpreting the 14th Amendment correctly which states
      “born in the United States and “not subject to any foreign powers.”
      As far as voting, I think we will find more voters going “independent” and eventually, (when politics goes honest), the best candidates will win and the lobbyist groups will lose their “power.”
      There are very few taxpayers left in this country (including Corporations) and the U>S> will eventually have to quit printing money – which means “trillions” of dollars will fall by the wayside and government will have to budget.
      Heaven forbid!
      Look at the change in politics in the last 5-7 years. It looks like a “tidal wave” of change is coming to politics and every election will bring many surprises.

      • avatar
        John WInthrop on

        Kay you need to educate yourself and study as it is meant….not just read and worse than a monkey believe what you wrote……………….you are pathetic!

  9. avatar

    Deport all illegals aliens…they need to stand in line like the LEGAL aliens from other countries that respect our nation…there is NO other country that would let you invade their borders without ************* 1st…what is wrong with this government that allows illegals to invade us,house them,give id’s,drivers license, and let them protest in our capital city freely?????..I am like other Americans multi-ethnic but I am an American 1st and respect my country and abide by its laws…why cant others and our elected PUBLIC servants do the same?

  10. avatar

    Send illegal immigrants home. They are costing us jobs, money, and rapidly spreading diseases. Call your political representatives immediately. The House is voting this morning, Friday, Aug. 1. We need Rep. Blackburn’s original anti-DACA bill and Reps. Carter and Aderhalt’s bill that modifies the 2008 Wilberforce law to be added to the “Border Supplemental Bill”. Otherwise, we should oppose it.

    • avatar

      Denise, you are right about the disease part. It was reported last night that some of the border agents who have been in contact with the kids have contracted lice, infected their own kids with chicken pox, and are exposing their families to scabies, lice, bed bugs, and all sorts of other little “goodies”!

  11. avatar

    What I find absurd is granting amnesty to those who broke the law. Don’t you think that would encourage others to follow suit? The Dreams Act gave incentive to many from South America to send their children unaccompanied to USA, and that was the start of the exercise, which would become a headache to the next administration. On that score , the democratic party should be boycotted so that it never ever gains power as it is working against the citizens’ interest. by violating the law of the land with audacity.

    • avatar

      I totally agree with you. These politicians, mainly Democrats have absolutely sold out this country. I live next door to Latinos and the IGNORANCE is unbearable so I am letting the bank take my home it back, it is NOT WORTH keeping. I lost my job 2008 and because if a disability and age, I couldnt find a good job. My neighbor talked about how his brothers restaurant business pays them partly in cash so they don’t have to pay taxes on part of their salary. $2,000 is what he saves tax free., not sure what his brothers saves. This is a travesty. ThIS COUNTRY will be A THIRD WORLD country if they keep bringing these people here from these POOR countries with these women having babies uncontrollably and looking for taxpayers to foot the bill and their leaders wanting to TAKE OVER this country!! People need to come together and STOP this INFLUX of ILLEGALS!!!! SO MANY AMERICANS have given up , and our law income SENIORS are struggling, and our Veterans while DEMOCRATS give away this country!

      • avatar

        That’s $2,000 monthly, there’s 8 brothers , a sister, and at least 30 kids that I gave to be bothered with because all they do is drink and party. They have NO consideration for others.

  12. avatar

    In other words, to H E L L with the wishes and well being of AMERICANS, play politics to gain ultimate power over all of us! Thanks, Schultz. You’re an obvious TRAITOR to this country and OUR security.

    • avatar

      No Tex,
      Schultz is asking “Why would the President give more “rights” to more “undocumented workers” when we have 10 million or so citizens needing work or “full time” work?” I tend to vote Democratic because I believe in a clean environment and I would like to see the world at peace. I will be sitting at home until I find someone really worth supporting and so will my family.
      Certainly the President must be aware the country does not want any more “immigration” drama until we do have “very secure borders” and solve this “border invasion” problem!

  13. avatar

    Ed Schulz actually now agrees with Sarah Palin that Obama is violating the constitution? I can scarcely believe my eyes. Schulz had better pack his bags. George Soros is sure to fire him now, unless of course this is yet another MSLSD sleight of hand trick.

    • avatar

      Sleight of hand? A Democrat Liberal? Ever see a 3 year old try and catch a cat or pick up a balloon from the floor? That is a Liberals sleight of hand. They are obvious, they want illegals to receive amnesty to counteract the blunders and over reach of this regime in November. Voter ID laws are being attacked by the Department of Justice, not their purview to begin with, and the refusal to enforce existing laws at the borders and polling places. It is obvious they are afraid they will lose unless they get illegals into the voting booths and they are using the standard, blame the republicans, strategy.

      • avatar

        SO TRUE and we have to work just as hard to prevent this from happening. This is the devils work, using people

      • avatar
        arnlof sweigeir ft on

        g.so false …that is a fact the apes of the no party: The Old Brainless Obsolete Republicans……a fact!!!

        • avatar
          Snarky Repulbican on

          Why don’t you produce some facts, Arnlof instead of just mud-slinging at people you disagree with.

          • avatar
            John Winthrop on

            It makes sense why you do not understand….you belong to the party of NO and the reason you and your party destroyed this country for the 2 terms of Obama….simply a traitor to The People…….who in their right mind would get together in a Antares and agree to destroy the presidency of Obama,…..everybody knows it……and if you support that you are the same…therefore you are the proof…..113th Congress a bunch of Republican APES that will pass history of doing:NOTHING!!!

          • avatar
            john Winthrop on

            beach girl what do you do for our country besides being another troll……………………….definitely you have more than one name in this forum but apparently you might be gay…..

          • avatar

            And you might be a bonafide idiot! I’m with you snarky. I think that arnlof, the troll and JW might be one and the same.

    • avatar

      I hope not. Ed Schultz is one of the very few t.v. hosts that fights for the American workers!