Latest Sequester Scare: Napolitano Says DHS Releasing Detainees “The White House has pulled out all the stops to paint a dire portrait of the sequester’s across-the-board…
Browsing: Janet Napolitano
Latest Sequester Scare: Napolitano Says DHS Releasing Detainees
President Napolitano?
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano might very well be one of the contenders in the 2016 Presidential elections. According to the scoop from the Washington Post, “Napolitano…
Napolitano Says Border Very Secure
Napolitano Says Border Very Secure “U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano toured the Mexico border Monday to trumpet increased enforcement as she campaigned for an overhaul…
Sec. Napolitano Enforces Federal Immigration Law!
This particular blog entry is dedicated to applauding a recent action of DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano. Savor this moment, it may never happen again. Remember the…
Senate Questions Napolitano about Lack of Enforcement
Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. While Senators primarily questioned her about her Department’s recent announcement to administratively close…